High-Definition Quantum-Limited Optical Bolometry
Uncooled thermal imagers measure pixel-specific temperature changes via a temperature-dependent property of the sensitive element. However, state-of-the-art thermal imagers, such as VOx-based systems, are performance-limited by electronic readout noise that precludes reaching the fundamental sensitivity limit set by statistical thermal fluctuations. In this project, the Englund research group will focus on developing a fundamentally new thermal imaging technology based on thermo-optic readout as an optical pre-amplification stage that allows system sensitivity at the fundamental limit of bolometer sensitivity. Building on the team’s recent demonstration of thermal fluctuation-limited readout of a micron-scale optical microcavity and recent successful translation into 300 mm CMOS manufacturing, the ability to achieve quantum-limited thermal imaging with HD-4K resolution in a camera-sized, uncooled imaging platform is anticipated. Moreover, additional unprecedented capabilities, including hyperspectral imaging without significant thickness increase, ultrafast optical pre-processing such as sparse sampling and target detection, simultaneous imaging at multiple focal planes and of multiple regions of interest without moving parts, fully programmable image sampling at the nanosecond-scale, and readout bandwidth exceeding Tbit/second are all foreseen.

Trade-space for VOx pixel parameters against this project’s targeted trade-space in detectivity vs. time constant.

Suspended high-Q photonic crystal (PhC) optical bolometer pixel with six broadband absorber pillars.