Dynamic Multi-Phase Emulsions
Fluid multiphase emulsions and emulsion-derived solidified microstructures have proven beneficial for pathogen detection, responsive optical components, and adaptive light management. These emulsions register nanoscale chemical interactions via a response in their morphology and organization, which can be optically probed on the macro-scale, enabling highly sensitive and selective biochemical sensing as well as controlled tuning of droplet morphology and optical behavior. In this collaborative program with researchers from the DEVCOM Soldier Center in Natick, MA, the Kolle and Swager research groups will leverage emulsion technology and expertise in surfactant and emulsion design, bio-chemical sensing, optics, and imaging to develop compact, field-deployable prototype devices for rapid pathogen detection, live/dead bacteria identification, and light-field imaging for bio-fluid diagnostics in remote, tech-limited settings, enabling new functionalities for the Soldier.

Multiphase emulsions: a versatile material platform for nano-scale biochemical recognition combined with morphological transduction and amplification for macro-scale optical readout of the presence of trace amounts of pathogens.